What the bloody hell is this?
From the world's best blahg comes the world's best t-shirt. To cut the long story


Damn, it's such a stupid t-shirt
Really? You either get it or you don't. And if you have not, get out on the road, walk for 23 meters - not a meter more, not a meter less. Wait there and ask the first female walking by
carrying a purple handkerchief. She will know for sure. Huh.
Ok, I've got it. How do I get the t-shirt?
See, now you're talking sense. This t-shirt might be the best piece of visible fabric your body has ever had on it. Of course, there are better pieces of fabric your body would've had on it and much closer than this t-shirt. But we have learnt our Moral Science lessons well and we know exposing is not appropriate. Hence, this t-shirt comes with an OK certificate from the Exposure Control Authority Of India.
If you want to get this amazing creation, indicate in the comments to the post or write to 10plus3i@gmail.com. Here are the details -
Size - The model in the photo above is wearing an M size t-shirt. So an L would probably fit most men to the tee. An M for most women?
Cost - Higher the quantity of the order, lower will be the price. Estimated price is Rs. 200. And we'll try to keep it within that.
Quality - Fairly Decent.
Delivery - It's that good, eh? That you want it delivered right away? We're glad. Tell us if you want the t-shirt either by comments or by e-mail. We'll see how many t-shirt we're printing, arrive at the cost of one t-shirt and then get in touch with you for the address. Delivery charges extra. Definitely lesser than most maternity hospitals.
To hell with you. Absolute bullshit this is. Such huge fuss over such non-sense.
We're happy. At least someone is honest. Now if you'd only let us what about the t-shirt makes you feel that way. That it's a t-shirt and not a t-short? That it has Gabbar and not Mogambo? That the idea in itself is ridiculous? Tell us, please.