1. What can exams do to you?!
Our faculty have some sense of humour.They conduct exams.The fun though, still continues during exams with added abandon and disdain because these will be the last engineering exams of our lives.Exams are also funny in a different sort of way. People become different. The funny ones become serious, the serious ones become even more serious, desperate ones becomes frustrated, the normally frustrated ones become funny and philosophical.
We're generally pretty much insane, but that extra bit of sanity creeps in during exams which makes life horrible for people around us and for you, because you have to read this nonsense!
Ok,this is what exams can do to you
1. You are so hungry and lost, that you gobble of fistful of white powder offered to you in a glucose pack, only to realise that it was Surf Excel. What the heck, it cle aned my digestive system!
2. You go to all neighbouring rooms, crash into the door and then ask the startled fellow -"Mooh me liya kya?!".
That by the way, is an euphimism for "Khaana khaaya kya?!
3. Try your hand at matchmaking on Orkut. Try pairing a long(he's short!) lost school friend( this hunk with his long(maybe she's long!) long lost school friend. They scrappily lived ever after!(But then, Orkut is a very small aspect of a whole new sweeping revolution called Web 2.0. I have to come out with that post on 'Web 2.0 for dummies' with so many people asking me about my obsession,optimism,excitement and bullishness on Web 2.0. Watch the short flash film on http://www.robinsloan.com/epic/. Then probably you'll concur with me!)
4. Go bonkers about the long long lost friend's long long lost friend . The LLF's LLF happens to be a singer and now that I'm officially a member of a music band named '!Xobile', my interest in her was only natural. Also, we had this subject where we had to study cyber-stalking,cyber-crime et al, I thought some practical preparation would do no harm!!
5. For three hours and twenty seven minutes everyday, your only aim in life is marrying either Roopa Purushotheman or Kaavya Vishwanathan. What is the former has now quit high profile Goldman Sachs and joined Pantaloons or what if the latter has been caught plagiarising. They are South Indians, well-educated and look pretty. What more can anyone ask for?!. But then the hunk mentioned above recommends N R Narayan Murthy's daughter Akshata doing MBA at Stanford. Just perfect, a Kannadiga as well. Too many choices, tough to decide.
6. Listen to Stacy's Mom, What I go to schol for, fashion show videos of our college incessantly to get refreshed> and watch Family Guy all through the day with Harsha. The show just suits our humour fine. Senseless, outrageous, yet peculiarly funny. Because that is the only preparation for the exam, use the word 'Quagmire' in the exam, go out to drink water during the exam, laugh your heart out on your achievement, leave the exam hall fifteen minutes early so that you could come back and watch rest of the episodes!
Sample Quagmire(a character from Family Guy):
Brian: Ugh, I can't beileve you're serving a three year sentence, it seems so harsh.
Lois: Well, the only upside is that it's given me time to think about why I ended up in here. I guess I was stealin' because I was so sick of the same old routine. I felt like I had a void in my life, like, like, there was a secret hole in me...
Quagmire: Oh God!
Lois:...and I was tryin' to fill that hole with all kinds of expensive objects, and things...
Quagmire: Oh God!!!
Lois: ...and I felt wonderful with all those things fillin' that hole.
Quagmire: Oh God!!!!!!
Lois: I did this to myself, so I'm just gonna have to lay back and let the penal system teach me a lesson.
Quagmire: That one is also sexual.
7. You being appreciating and applauding(loudly,in a coffee shop) fundas like:
The custom of doing 'cheers' comes from this 16th century practice when warring parties after a cease-fire would make peace and get together for a drink. So clear any suspicions of the other party poisoning your drink, you strike each other's glass so that the liquid spills over and you make the other person drink as well.
8. Have conversations like the one that follows on GTalk with Akshay :
omikron441: the past tense for IPOD, if it isnt the word itself cud be..IPEED?
gud mornin
me:that would be music to a centipede's ears!!
omikron441: or a human with bladder disfunction
me:stop bladdering nonsense..
omikron441: sorry peelease
me: shit up...
omikron441: piss off
me: you're taking this too fart...
omikron441: oh yeah..so u wanna go back to crappin ppl on orkut?
k now i gotta goo
pee u l8r
me: pee you later as well..
omikron441: best of luck for 2morro's (toilet) paper
I still have two more exams to go and then it'll be The End
2. The End
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
- The End
The Doors
No song could be more apt than this one to describe my present state. In a few days, it'll be good bye to engineering and we'll all be jumping into the big bad 'real' world. Nostalgia's abound,silliest of the things find associations with something in the past. I won't go on a harangue on how these were the best days of our lives et al. Yes, we have done pretty well. Hitesh getting into MDI,Bharath into IISc (he will),my decision of not getting into software(more on this coming soon!) have proved that we are definitely a notch or half a notch above the rest. Personally, I would only say that, it's been one hell of a journey from someone who had not heard of Enid Blyton or Age of Empires to someone who today bemoans lack of people around him whom he could discuss about The Last Song of Dusk or talk about Web 2.0. Will definitely write about that someday.
Tomorrow, I won't be having this laptop. Will have to return it to my boyfriend,Jayanth. I don't have any miss to miss here. But apart from a few other things, what I'll miss the most is the LAN and this fanatstic internet connection!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
A message!
Can't thank this guy enough. He doesn't quite know how important that act of his is!!
Treat is too common,besides it doesn't quite measure upto the help he's been!!
Help! How do I return the favour?!
And it's exam time now.
Treat is too common,besides it doesn't quite measure upto the help he's been!!
Help! How do I return the favour?!
And it's exam time now.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Ek Sapna Lekar - Our own campus song!!

Listen people, literally!
To this song.
To download,
Username : railneer
Password : laloo
The song has no relation whatsoever with the choice of the username and password!
I have suo moto decided to call our band - !Xobile as a tribute to Russel Peters!!
Bharath J,EC,BE IV;
Jojan V Jose,ME,BE IV
Mrinabh Dutta,CO,BE IV
Nikhil Kulkarni,CO,BE IV( Me,of course!)
Shubham Srivastav,Btech II.
Produced by 10+3i
Music and Tune.. Bharath and Joji
Lyrics.. Nikhil and Joji(some hindi words from hari)
Synth.. Bharath
Voice.. Joji(some chorus by Nikhil)
Lead guitars.. Mrinabh
Bass Guitar.. Shubham
Recording.. Kenny
Editing.. Bharath and Chinsi
About the song
The song 'Ek Sapna tha' is a typical campus song which echoes the sentiments of us final year students who are about to leave the college in a few days' time. The song talks of the good, bad times we spent together and also looks at the future, about how the money we'll earn is no of value compared to the evenings we spent together.
Must admit that the lyrics though are a little on the paler side, but that was the best I could come up with. That I am a South Indian is no excuse, but somehow we were hardpressed for time and that whole project came off in two days flat speaks a lot of our commitment. Seriously! I guess none of us slept for those two days and that morning when we recorded the song on the terrace, everything fell into place so well and the world was suddenly more beautiful. Some sense of acheivement that was!
The song is quite popular in the college. Hope you'll like it as well.
We are open to all kinds of criticism. KIND Criticism we mean:)
Been There Done That,
College Days,
My Projects
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Little by Little
This post was not meant to be written, but is still being written.
Had a good last few days.
1. Wrote the lyrics for the farewell song. Shot the video and sang a couple of lines as well.
More on that soon. It's ok, I shake my head a lot.
2. Slept well.(That says a lot!)
3. Cleaned my room(That says even more!).
Plan to charge people for the time they spend in the hygienic comfort of my room!!.
4. Project prelims in two hours' time. I better not talk about it. There are some things which others cannot understand and and a few things I don't and won't. It's better we leave it at that and try not to be too preachy.
5. Meeting parents over the next weekend to discuss something important.
Noel Gallagher was prophetic, philosphical (and high?!) when he wrote this song. The phase I'm going through now and those horrible four hour labs every Friday evening are piling on my misery and I'm afraid it might culminate into something really good for me, getting away from the drudgery of this fake propriety,pretence and imposture. Noelbhai, here's to you!!
Little by little
You have to give it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why
You're really here
By around this time next week, I'd have asked myself why I'm really here and would've found an answer. Crucial times these!! But a few things still bother me!!. Here's to Noelbhai again!!
You know I didn't mean
What I just said
But my God woke up
On the wrong side of his bed
And it just don't matter now
Had a good last few days.
1. Wrote the lyrics for the farewell song. Shot the video and sang a couple of lines as well.
More on that soon. It's ok, I shake my head a lot.
2. Slept well.(That says a lot!)
3. Cleaned my room(That says even more!).
Plan to charge people for the time they spend in the hygienic comfort of my room!!.
4. Project prelims in two hours' time. I better not talk about it. There are some things which others cannot understand and and a few things I don't and won't. It's better we leave it at that and try not to be too preachy.
5. Meeting parents over the next weekend to discuss something important.
Noel Gallagher was prophetic, philosphical (and high?!) when he wrote this song. The phase I'm going through now and those horrible four hour labs every Friday evening are piling on my misery and I'm afraid it might culminate into something really good for me, getting away from the drudgery of this fake propriety,pretence and imposture. Noelbhai, here's to you!!
Little by little
You have to give it all in all your life
And all the time I just ask myself why
You're really here
By around this time next week, I'd have asked myself why I'm really here and would've found an answer. Crucial times these!! But a few things still bother me!!. Here's to Noelbhai again!!
You know I didn't mean
What I just said
But my God woke up
On the wrong side of his bed
And it just don't matter now
Monday, April 3, 2006
Musafir Hoon Yaaron!!
Posting from Rohit Shankar's room in IIM-A!:)
You can skip the first paragraph. It's crap. Don't tell me I din't warn you!
Now, God must have done some serious checksum error. Now what error is that I don't know, but it is some error in Computers. Now I have every reason to believe that God does use computers.Why?! The other day I saw a mouse falling from the sky and suddenly shuddered at the prospect of the God who rides the mouse falling from the sky! Sometime later did I find out that the fat guy staying above me DID contemplate juping after he threw the mouse. He threw the mouse out of frustration that it was not working. He then realised his folly and wanted to jump because had he sold that mouse as scrap he'd have got 2.546 rupees which would have got him 1.093 chai or 5.147 Alpenliebes or invaluable 2.546 rupees. Why did I write this?! I donno.
Musafir Hoon Yaaron!
God has indeed done checksum errors and I'm afraid he might keep on doing those errors. Because I have all the reasons to be scared,afraid,dazed and confused when almost everything goes right for a long long time. I'm expecting some serious trouble anytime now. The way everything is so unbelieveably right, I can't help but have an eerie feeling some thing huge will fall on me soon.(Lord Ganesha himself?!)
Ok, let me write here, write now about the rights!
1. A mention of the documentary was made in the papers. The movie company seems to be doing pretty well. Just wish God does another error and our exams are postponed. Another wishful wish. He commits a huge error and exams are called off!!:)
2. Stood third in the Surat round of Times of India. Had lots of fun on stage whipping Himesh Reshammiya. To know what lack of sleep can do to you, look at this picture. It can win you the third prize and make you look like a rape convict!:)
3. Went to Daman for farewell. IT WAS GOOD. We guys are so close that we didn't even cry!Lots of things were sorted out, mobile was screwed,vodka+sprite still ruled. My repertoire of Altaf Raja,T-Series devotional songs,90's hindi film songs,ad jingles,TV serial songs is still intact. Will miss these guys for sure. Another post on this is surely needed, otherwise I wou;dn't be doing justice to the importance of the occasion.
4. The next day, the Times of India correspondent calls up and apologises profusely for the fact that it was not clearly mentioned that I won the third place,as there was a tie. Inspite of me telling her that it seriously didn't matter to me,she insisted that she was very sorry. Thank you Fateema!
5. The finals at Ahmedabad was a bit of an anti-climax. I'd definitely agree with Ellie now. But even after the pathetic score and no one even telling me that I spoke well, I was giggling like an ass.I'd remember this trip more for the people I met than the competition or the lack of it(on my part!). Sajani Mrinalini Dutta,Pankaj Malani,Priyanka,Vishwamohini Bhat!,Aditya and quite a few dudes whose names I don't know, like the dude from Bombay,Maharashtra!!:) I don't know if that huge film-maker will read this,but I won't forget her as well.Size does matter. And our very own Surtis - Dipti,Janavi,Gaurav and Ayan.A post definitely lined up on this.
It is things like that make me feel that God must have done some error. Something, anything which has mass and occupies space is matter, nothing else matters! I'll explain. Unless something is really important, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me now is the experience. I'm like that soldier who waited for 99 days and then left, in Cinema Paradiso. Those who've seen the movie will understand.
6. Something really interesting and important coming up. Things should be clear in a week or so.
You can skip the first paragraph. It's crap. Don't tell me I din't warn you!
Now, God must have done some serious checksum error. Now what error is that I don't know, but it is some error in Computers. Now I have every reason to believe that God does use computers.Why?! The other day I saw a mouse falling from the sky and suddenly shuddered at the prospect of the God who rides the mouse falling from the sky! Sometime later did I find out that the fat guy staying above me DID contemplate juping after he threw the mouse. He threw the mouse out of frustration that it was not working. He then realised his folly and wanted to jump because had he sold that mouse as scrap he'd have got 2.546 rupees which would have got him 1.093 chai or 5.147 Alpenliebes or invaluable 2.546 rupees. Why did I write this?! I donno.
Musafir Hoon Yaaron!
God has indeed done checksum errors and I'm afraid he might keep on doing those errors. Because I have all the reasons to be scared,afraid,dazed and confused when almost everything goes right for a long long time. I'm expecting some serious trouble anytime now. The way everything is so unbelieveably right, I can't help but have an eerie feeling some thing huge will fall on me soon.(Lord Ganesha himself?!)
Ok, let me write here, write now about the rights!
1. A mention of the documentary was made in the papers. The movie company seems to be doing pretty well. Just wish God does another error and our exams are postponed. Another wishful wish. He commits a huge error and exams are called off!!:)
2. Stood third in the Surat round of Times of India. Had lots of fun on stage whipping Himesh Reshammiya. To know what lack of sleep can do to you, look at this picture. It can win you the third prize and make you look like a rape convict!:)
3. Went to Daman for farewell. IT WAS GOOD. We guys are so close that we didn't even cry!Lots of things were sorted out, mobile was screwed,vodka+sprite still ruled. My repertoire of Altaf Raja,T-Series devotional songs,90's hindi film songs,ad jingles,TV serial songs is still intact. Will miss these guys for sure. Another post on this is surely needed, otherwise I wou;dn't be doing justice to the importance of the occasion.
4. The next day, the Times of India correspondent calls up and apologises profusely for the fact that it was not clearly mentioned that I won the third place,as there was a tie. Inspite of me telling her that it seriously didn't matter to me,she insisted that she was very sorry. Thank you Fateema!
5. The finals at Ahmedabad was a bit of an anti-climax. I'd definitely agree with Ellie now. But even after the pathetic score and no one even telling me that I spoke well, I was giggling like an ass.I'd remember this trip more for the people I met than the competition or the lack of it(on my part!). Sajani Mrinalini Dutta,Pankaj Malani,Priyanka,Vishwamohini Bhat!,Aditya and quite a few dudes whose names I don't know, like the dude from Bombay,Maharashtra!!:) I don't know if that huge film-maker will read this,but I won't forget her as well.Size does matter. And our very own Surtis - Dipti,Janavi,Gaurav and Ayan.A post definitely lined up on this.
It is things like that make me feel that God must have done some error. Something, anything which has mass and occupies space is matter, nothing else matters! I'll explain. Unless something is really important, it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me now is the experience. I'm like that soldier who waited for 99 days and then left, in Cinema Paradiso. Those who've seen the movie will understand.
6. Something really interesting and important coming up. Things should be clear in a week or so.
Been There Done That,
Life Update,
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